Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Eggs Anyone?


File this is in your 'that's how it's done' file. Rob Manuel has performed a scientific service to us all with the assistance of information found with Google on the best way to poach eggs.

As someone who has basically given up on making poached eggs at home due to results similair to his first two experiments I am very pleased to see how it's done by the chefs of places where I enjoy eating perfectly poached eggs.

How is it done you ask. By cracking the egg into microwave safe cling film and then throwing the package into the boiling water.

Brilliant! Although my wife won't like the over reliance on cling film.


At 10:20 pm, Blogger Weary Hag said...

Well I'll tell you... I don't eat poached eggs but mostly because I've gotten away from eggs altogether in the past few years. My daughter, however, LOVES the things and always manages to ruin them. I'll be passing this information on to her and I can assure you, she'll be eternally grateful.
Thanks for the tip!


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